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We'd rather let her art speak about herself: Giorgia Haran.

Questo settimana dedichiamo lo spazio interviste agli artisti stranieri in terra Italiana.

A raccontarsi infatti, sarà l'artista Rumena Giorgia Haran che attualmente vive a Firenze.

Solo diciannove anni ma tanto da raccontare nel campo dell'arte, dove lei spazia a 360 gradi: pittrice, illustratrice, fotografa e chi piu' ne ha piu' ne metta.

Noi l'abbiamo conosciuta in versione fotografa, attraverso il nostro ultimo evento: L'artista viaggiatore.

Ma lasciamo spazio alla sua intervista tutta in inglese!

1. Let's start with a question about your art. What do you really like about painting? First of all, thank you for this opportunity. I have to say that is the first interview that I give here, in Italy, and I am so proud of that. As to your question: What do I really like about painting? It`s a bit difficult to explain, but from my own experience I can say that painting is one of the sacred, healing arts, spiritually.

For example, let's take a person with a physical or a mental illness, or perhaps a child with behavioral problems, and give them some colors and some brushes. Drawing, painting will help them achieve that inner peace and equilibrium which they desperately need, and also make a connection with each other, which would perhaps be difficult for them through other means. I really hope that, in the future, art therapy (all art, not just painting) will be studied and practiced more. 2. Where do your subjects come from? Are they part of your imagination or they come from real circumstances? Certainly, it`s a complex process. Personally, I try not to have repetitive visual subjects or common themes. I read a lot and, despite all the stereotypes about artists, I stay anchored pretty well in reality. This way, anything can become a source of inspiration to me. I use life models, pictures, and a lot of research before starting the paintings, but, finally, most of them are made adding my unique touch. I prefer to create collections or sets because I think that this way I have the opportunity to use a lot of different techniques while exploring different social problems in each of my set. In a big part of my artwork I renounce the concept of “me,myself”, using instead the idea of “us,society”. I truly believe in unity and change. Obviously, the big change begins with myself first, but goes on to the society I try to change, the society I am part of. We all can find ourselves in my canvases. It remains to be seen how each of us identifies themselves with them.

3. What do you think about art nowadays? That is a great question, but also a very difficult one to answer properly. I could spend hours talking about this subject, but now, for this small interview, I have to summarize. Contemporary art, in my vision, is classified in two main areas: the traditional art and the digital art. We live in an era of technology, when it is not necessary anymore to represent in your art the politicians of the age in order to get recognized, famous and well paid. Things today are very different and opportunities are unlimited. My field is traditional art and I think that in this field there are three types of artists: first, the people with a simple pleasure for visual arts, second, those creative and spontaneous people with a new vision and love for the aesthetics of beauty. The third type is created by the people who transform art in a way of living, those people who are working insanely hard and sacrifice everything to make that change in the world through their works. The problem with art nowadays (and I am not afraid to say that), comes when the people with a simple pleasure for arts are considered true artists and examples for the young generation, and sometimes this is happening on the basis of some factors that don`t even have relevance with art. This generates confusion for many of the people who are simply amateurs,art lovers, or who are actually studying fine arts. Unfortunately we can all see the results of this strange movement in many contemporary galleries and museums. 4. If you could go back in time, which artist would you like to have as a teacher? As a beautiful dream, I would say Gian Lorenzo Bernini. I simply adore this Italian artist and I think we would make a great team together. In reality, I could not replace my high-school teacher with anyone else. At this moment I am far from him, but thanks to the years we`ve worked together, now I am the artist that you see. I will always be grateful to him. Giorgia Haran

Biography: Giorgia Haran, 19 years old, fine artist. Painter, illustrator, photographer. Also interested in literature, writing, and art history.

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